I started off by stretching A3 paper onto a board. Once my paper was dry, i then decided which background to start with like we was shown. There were brown paper, newspaper and black paper for the first. Secondly, was ink. Thirdly, black tissue paper. Lastly, white emulsion. Once all these backgrounds was completed. I then began to start drawing from an observational set up, used from various objects we were given. Starting with the first background (brown paper, newspaper, black paper) i decided to use that as a practice, just so i knew what i was doing. The choice of objects i started with the easiest and smaller objects. But then, gradually changed my objects to a bigger standard and harder to draw so i could challenge myself. For this project i didn't use a view finder at all. Because i strongly believe that am more confident and positive at producing a observational drawing by looking at the objects then sketching them onto my page. The only problem i had throughout this project was for my final piece. Because i wanted my final piece to be different, colorful and creative. So i decided to have my background in ink, because it's looks effective with a lot of colors. But the time we was given wasn't good to me. Because there were a lot of ink to dry and i had to use the hairdryer. And i was told to dab the wet areas, so i have time to get my final piece done. But i strongly believe that if i didn't dab the wet ink and just let it dried then it would have turned out exactly how i wanted it to. Once, i dabbed the wet areas the colours turned dark and horrible. So i decided to put some white emulsion over the areas i didn't like and put some black tissue paper around some other areas. To be quite honest, i wasn't really impressed with the final piece i produced and would have been happier drawing the observation first then doing a background after. While working on this project i didn't take much notice on blogger every piece of work i did them lessons. Because, there would be odd little times where i would forget to take photos and upload to my blog with me being busy into my work and trying to get it finished. Other reason will be is that, i hate blogger every piece of work i do. I like doing the work that has been set then write either on the sheet about what i did. Or just blog my evauluation's when needed. Because, am more of a drawing then a blogger to me and my opinion. I think my strongest drawing was black tissue paper. Because, i strongly agree that i did a very good job on getting every detail in my objects i chose also the colours and techique of colouring i did. If i was given more time for final piece, i would have finished and created a brilliant final piece. The media i used for this project was; coloured pencils (ordinary) for three of my drawings. Then for my last drawing was just ordinary pencil. The media i found difficult using was the ink for my background. Because the colours didnt go exactly how i wanted and sometimes i put too much on so it wasted time for me.